/* * FreeModbus Libary: Win32 Port * Copyright (C) 2006 Christian Walter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * File: $Id: porttcp.c,v 1.1 2007/09/12 10:15:56 wolti Exp $ */ /* * Design Notes: * * The xMBPortTCPInit function allocates a socket and binds the socket to * all available interfaces ( bind with INADDR_ANY ). In addition it * creates an array of event objects which is used to check the state of * the clients. On event object is used to handle new connections or * closed ones. The other objects are used on a per client basis for * processing. */ /********************************************************** * Linux TCP support. * Based on Walter's project. * Modified by Steven Guo ***********************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "port.h" /* ----------------------- Modbus includes ----------------------------------*/ #include "mb.h" #include "mbport.h" #include "mbctx.h" /* ----------------------- MBAP Header --------------------------------------*/ #define MB_TCP_UID 6 #define MB_TCP_LEN 4 #define MB_TCP_FUNC 7 /* ----------------------- Defines -----------------------------------------*/ #define MB_TCP_DEFAULT_PORT 502 /* TCP listening port. */ #define MB_TCP_POOL_TIMEOUT 100//50 /* pool timeout for event waiting. */ #define MB_TCP_READ_TIMEOUT 2000 /* Maximum timeout to wait for packets. */ #define MB_TCP_READ_CYCLE 100 /* Time between checking for new data. */ #define MB_TCP_DEBUG 1 /* Set to 1 for additional debug output. */ #define MB_TCP_BUF_SIZE ( 256 + 7 ) /* Must hold a complete Modbus TCP frame. */ #define EV_CONNECTION 0 #define EV_CLIENT 1 #define EV_NEVENTS EV_CLIENT + 1 /* ----------------------- Static variables ---------------------------------*/ SOCKET xListenSocket; SOCKET xClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; static fd_set allset; static UCHAR aucTCPBuf[MB_TCP_BUF_SIZE]; static USHORT usTCPBufPos; static USHORT usTCPFrameBytesLeft; /* ----------------------- External functions -------------------------------*/ CHAR *WsaError2String( int dwError ); /* ----------------------- Static functions ---------------------------------*/ BOOL prvMBTCPPortAddressToString(SOCKET xSocket, CHAR * szAddr, USHORT usBufSize ); CHAR *prvMBTCPPortFrameToString(UCHAR * pucFrame, USHORT usFrameLen ); static BOOL prvbMBPortAcceptClient( fmodbus_t* ctx ); static void prvvMBPortReleaseClient( fmodbus_t* ctx ); /* ----------------------- Begin implementation -----------------------------*/ BOOL xMBTCPPortInit(fmodbus_t* ctx, USHORT usTCPPort ) { USHORT usPort; struct sockaddr_in serveraddr; if( usTCPPort == 0 ) { usPort = MB_TCP_DEFAULT_PORT; } else { usPort = ( USHORT ) usTCPPort; } memset( &serveraddr, 0, sizeof( serveraddr ) ); serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET; serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl( INADDR_ANY ); //; // inet_addr("") serveraddr.sin_port = htons( usPort ); if( ( ctx->xListenSocket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ) ) == -1 ) { //log_dbg( "Create socket failed.\r\n" ); return FALSE; } else if( bind( ctx->xListenSocket, ( struct sockaddr * )&serveraddr, sizeof( serveraddr ) ) == -1 ) { //log_dbg( "Bind socket failed.\r\n" ); return FALSE; } else if( listen( ctx->xListenSocket, 5 ) == -1 ) { //log_dbg( "Listen socket failed.\r\n" ); return FALSE; } FD_ZERO( &ctx->allset ); FD_SET( ctx->xListenSocket, &ctx->allset ); return TRUE; } void vMBTCPPortClose( fmodbus_t* ctx ) { // Close all client sockets. if( ctx->xClientSocket != SOCKET_ERROR ) { prvvMBPortReleaseClient( ctx ); } // Close the listener socket. if( ctx->xListenSocket != SOCKET_ERROR ) { close( ctx->xListenSocket ); } } void vMBTCPPortDisable( fmodbus_t* ctx ) { /* Close all client sockets. */ if( ctx->xClientSocket != SOCKET_ERROR ) { prvvMBPortReleaseClient( ctx ); } } /*! \ingroup port_win32tcp * * \brief Pool the listening socket and currently connected Modbus TCP clients * for new events. * \internal * * This function checks if new clients want to connect or if already connected * clients are sending requests. If a new client is connected and there are * still client slots left (The current implementation supports only one) * then the connection is accepted and an event object for the new client * socket is activated (See prvbMBPortAcceptClient() ). * Events for already existing clients in \c FD_READ and \c FD_CLOSE. In case of * an \c FD_CLOSE the client connection is released (See prvvMBPortReleaseClient() ). * In case of an \c FD_READ command the existing data is read from the client * and if a complete frame has been received the Modbus Stack is notified. * * \return FALSE in case of an internal I/O error. For example if the internal * event objects are in an invalid state. Note that this does not include any * client errors. In all other cases returns TRUE. */ int xMBPortTCPPool( fmodbus_t* ctx ) { int n; fd_set fread; struct timeval tval; int timeout = 0; tval.tv_sec = 0; tval.tv_usec = 5000; int ret; USHORT usLength; struct timeval tv2; struct timezone tz2; if( ctx->xClientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { /* Accept to client */ if( ( n = select( ctx->xListenSocket + 1, &ctx->allset, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) < 0 ) { if( errno == EINTR ) { ; } else { ; } } if( FD_ISSET( ctx->xListenSocket, &ctx->allset ) ) { ( void )prvbMBPortAcceptClient( ctx ); } } while( TRUE ) { FD_ZERO( &fread ); FD_SET( ctx->xClientSocket, &fread ); if( ( ( ret = select( ctx->xClientSocket + 1, &fread, NULL, NULL, &tval ) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) || !ret ) { //gettimeofday(&tv2,&tz2); //log_dbg("%s,%d.%d,ret=-1",__func__,tv2.tv_sec,tv2.tv_usec); usleep(30000); // 30 ms timeout ++; //log_dbg("Wait timeout:%d!!",timeout); if(timeout >= 2000) { close( ctx->xClientSocket ); ctx->xClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; //log_dbg("timeout connect lost!!"); return TRUE; } continue; } timeout = 0; if( ret > 0 ) { if( FD_ISSET( ctx->xClientSocket, &fread ) ) { if( ( ( ret = recv( ctx->xClientSocket, &ctx->aucTCPBuf[ctx->usTCPBufPos], ctx->usTCPFrameBytesLeft, 0 ) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) || ( !ret ) ) { close( ctx->xClientSocket ); ctx->xClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; return TRUE; } ctx->usTCPBufPos += ret; ctx->usTCPFrameBytesLeft -= ret; if( ctx->usTCPBufPos >= MB_TCP_FUNC ) { /* Length is a byte count of Modbus PDU (function code + data) and the * unit identifier. */ usLength = ctx->aucTCPBuf[MB_TCP_LEN] << 8U; usLength |= ctx->aucTCPBuf[MB_TCP_LEN + 1]; /* Is the frame already complete. */ if( ctx->usTCPBufPos < ( MB_TCP_UID + usLength ) ) { ctx->usTCPFrameBytesLeft = usLength + MB_TCP_UID - ctx->usTCPBufPos; } /* The frame is complete. */ else if( ctx->usTCPBufPos == ( MB_TCP_UID + usLength ) ) { ( void )xMBPortEventPost(ctx, EV_FRAME_RECEIVED ); return TRUE; } /* This can not happend because we always calculate the number of bytes * to receive. */ else { assert( ctx->usTCPBufPos <= ( MB_TCP_UID + usLength ) ); } } } } } return TRUE; } /*! * \ingroup port_win32tcp * \brief Receives parts of a Modbus TCP frame and if complete notifies * the protocol stack. * \internal * * This function reads a complete Modbus TCP frame from the protocol stack. * It starts by reading the header with an initial request size for * usTCPFrameBytesLeft = MB_TCP_FUNC. If the header is complete the * number of bytes left can be calculated from it (See Length in MBAP header). * Further read calls are issued until the frame is complete. * * \return \c TRUE if part of a Modbus TCP frame could be processed. In case * of a communication error the function returns \c FALSE. */ BOOL xMBTCPPortGetRequest(fmodbus_t* ctx, UCHAR ** ppucMBTCPFrame, USHORT * usTCPLength ) { *ppucMBTCPFrame = &ctx->aucTCPBuf[0]; *usTCPLength = ctx->usTCPBufPos; /* Reset the buffer. */ ctx->usTCPBufPos = 0; ctx->usTCPFrameBytesLeft = MB_TCP_FUNC; return TRUE; } BOOL xMBTCPPortSendResponse(fmodbus_t* ctx, const UCHAR * pucMBTCPFrame, USHORT usTCPLength ) { BOOL bFrameSent = FALSE; BOOL bAbort = FALSE; int res; int iBytesSent = 0; int iTimeOut = MB_TCP_READ_TIMEOUT; do { res = send( ctx->xClientSocket, &pucMBTCPFrame[iBytesSent], usTCPLength - iBytesSent, 0 ); switch ( res ) { case -1: if( iTimeOut > 0 ) { iTimeOut -= MB_TCP_READ_CYCLE; usleep( MB_TCP_READ_CYCLE ); } else { bAbort = TRUE; } break; case 0: prvvMBPortReleaseClient( ctx ); bAbort = TRUE; break; default: iBytesSent += res; break; } } while( ( iBytesSent != usTCPLength ) && !bAbort ); bFrameSent = iBytesSent == usTCPLength ? TRUE : FALSE; return bFrameSent; } void prvvMBPortReleaseClient( fmodbus_t* ctx ) { ( void )recv( ctx->xClientSocket, &ctx->aucTCPBuf[0], MB_TCP_BUF_SIZE, 0 ); ( void )close( ctx->xClientSocket ); ctx->xClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } BOOL prvbMBPortAcceptClient(fmodbus_t* ctx ) { SOCKET xNewSocket; BOOL bOkay; /* Check if we can handle a new connection. */ if( ctx->xClientSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { fprintf( stderr, "can't accept new client. all connections in use.\n" ); bOkay = FALSE; } else if( ( xNewSocket = accept( ctx->xListenSocket, NULL, NULL ) ) == INVALID_SOCKET ) { bOkay = FALSE; } else { ctx->xClientSocket = xNewSocket; ctx->usTCPBufPos = 0; ctx->usTCPFrameBytesLeft = MB_TCP_FUNC; bOkay = TRUE; } return bOkay; }