#!/bin/bash # # Usage: $0 PATTERN # If files in the last commit match PATTERN, exit 0. Else, exit 1 # # Usage in github actions: # : # runs-on: ubuntu-latest # steps: # - uses: actions/checkout@v3 # with: { fetch-depth: 2 } # Important for git diff to work # - run: if ./match_changed_files.sh '.*' ; then echo RUN=1 >> $GITHUB_ENV ; fi # - if: ${{ env.RUN == 1 }} # run: echo yohoo! CHANGED_FILES=`git --no-pager diff --name-only HEAD~1 HEAD | xargs` echo "Pattern: [$1], files: $CHANGED_FILES" for FILE in $CHANGED_FILES; do [[ "$FILE" =~ $1 ]] && exit 0; done exit 1